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Philosophy and Culture
Beskrovnaya L.V.
Truth in art: hermeneutic in visual art
// Philosophy and Culture.
2017. ¹ 1.
P. 98-105.
Beskrovnaya L.V. Truth in art: hermeneutic in visual artAbstract: This article present an interpretation of M. Heidegger’s thesis “The Origin of the Work of Art”. Being a part of the world and having originated from it, art was always a topic of interest for the philosophers, who try to find answers to the questions “Is there truth in art?” and “How to understand the works of visual art? The author finds the key to the mystery of art in polemics of the prominent art historian M. Shapiro and philosopher M. Heidegger. In this dispute, the notions of the truth and existence (ontological field) are counterpoised to the historical and biographical details of createdness of the painting. The subject of dispute lies in Van Gogh’s painting “A Pair of Shoes”. In interpretation of the painting, M. Heidegger analyzes how it reveals the nature of the shoes. And, thanks to the rich imagination, audience through the creation of an art work, reveals the truth. Trying on the country woman’s shoes, the audience pictures her being; and the artist attempt to attract attention and cognize the truth with help of the createdness. M. Shapiro focuses attention on the historical component of the paintings and biographical motives of the artist. It originates a question, which of the aspects, namely, visual documental information or art (associations, feelings, emotions, projections) are closer to the ontological understanding of the painting as a painting. The author concludes that if a creative component is present, it moves the biographical motives and historical details to the background. Ontological understanding of the painting is possible only in aesthetic field. Keywords: historical context, createdness, world, earth, work of art, truth, being, hermeneutics, aesthetics, visual art
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