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Philosophy and Culture

Fetisova E.E. The works of I. Lisnyanskaya in the concext of neo-Acmeism

Abstract: This article, based on separate examples, illustrates the distinctive features of I. Lisnyanskaya lyrical perception of the world – a neo-Acmeist “sixtier” – in intertextual communication with the traditional (classical) Acmeism, poetry of A. Akhmatova and M. Tsvetaeva, as well as the culture of European Renaissance. The author determines the foundation, concept, and “semantic poetics” of neo-Acmeism alongside its specific mythology, which in turn, structures a poetic model of the world. The article analyzes the spatial and time continuum, its coordinates, artistic space and time as a peculiar aesthetics and verbal phenomenon. The notion of synchronic-reminiscent chronotope, shifted relatively to the boundaries of the actual space and time, is being introduced; and thanks to this, the “monologue on polyphonic basis” is being formed within mythology. In the center of comparative approach lies the resemblance of expressive means and author’s stylistics – from literary approaches, general phrases, quotes, allusions to the integrity of the author’s concept of lyrical plot, artistic space, and synchronic-reminiscent chronotope, which in a similar way is presented in the poems of I. Lisnyanskaya, “Divine Comedy” of Dante, lyrical cycles of A. Akhmatova, and poetry of A. Tarkovsky. The comparative analysis along with the method of semiotic reconstruction of a poetic text serve as the key towards understanding of the semantics and inner structures of neo-Acmeism paradigm. The author comes to a conceptual conclusion that neo-Acmeism continued the mission of symbolism; it transforms the concept of the world as an “aesthetic phenomenon” (Schopenhauer) into the principle of mystical energetism, cognizing the world through the “mystical elucidation”. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the works of I. Lisnyanskaya are subjected to comprehensive interpretation, as well as viewed in light of the action of mechanism of the cultural memory – as the synthesis of form and content.


Archetype, Prototype, Literary context, Reminiscence, Lyrical character, Synchronic-reminiscent chronotope, Divine Comedy, Neo-Acmeism, Literary studies, Philology

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