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Philosophy and Culture

Artemenko A.P. Text or palimpsest of the city?

Abstract:  The subject of this research is the analysis of methodological approaches towards examination of the urban space. The goal of this work consists in development of the methodological complex that combines various angles of the review and approaches towards explanation of the phenomenon of city. Special attention is given to the concept of topos, idea of the contingency of space, analysis of the notion of “objectness”, which form the foundation of the topology of urban space. The city is presented as a derivative of sustainable multiplicities and relation networks. The author suggest the original concept of “palimpsest of the urban space”. The process of “erasing” physical objects of the city leads to the changes in the associated with them processes and projections. Application of the new text does not always thoroughly cover up the previous inscriptions, compelling to read the extruding text. The flatness attains the depth, and combination of the prospects becomes a vital demand. The conclusion is made that the urban space possesses the characteristic of the objectness, which is the correlation of the dynamic objects. The author determines the types of palimpsest: civilizational palimpsest; palimpsests of the ethnically controversial territories; and palimpsest of the previous capital.  


topos, objectness, text, palimpsest, Actor-Network Theory, urban space, city, urban study, topology, contingency

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