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Financial Law and Management

Sharkov N.N. Development of Non-Bank Financial Intermediation as a Guarantee of Stability of the Financial Infrastructure of Russia Under the Conditions of Global Competition

Abstract: The current stage of development of the world financial system determines the need for a comprehensive study of the issues of development of the national financial infrastructure in order to increase its global competitiveness. The subject of this research is the role of non-bank financial intermediary institutions in ensuring the stability and competitiveness of the Russian financial infrastructure. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the level of development of the Russian insurance companies, non-state pension funds and mutual investment funds in comparison with the standard agents overseas, and also a share of bond financing in structure of borrowings of the non-financial organizations performed in the domestic financial market. In the course of writing the article the author has used methods of the comparative, system, structural and statistical analysis of foreign and Russian sources of information. As a result of the research, the author concludes that now the tendencies of strengthening positions of the non-bank financial intermediation which developed in the global financial market aren't typical for the Russian financial infrastructure. Based on the experience of the US and EU in overcoming the consequences of the global financial crisis, the low level of development of the non-bank financial intermediary is defined as a threat to the national infrastructure system stability and sustainable development of the national economy. The author proves the need to change the vector of development of the national financial infrastructure towards the "institutional" model to enhance its stability.


insurance companies, collective investments market, insurance market, non-bank financial intermediation, financial security, stability, financial infrastructure, private pension funds, mutual investment funds, financial resourse

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