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Financial Law and Management

Bazhenov A.A., Shein Yu.A. Informational Logistics in the Accounting System

Abstract: The subject of the present research is the analysis of the accounting system from the piont of view of the logistics theory. The object of the research is the flow of financial information. The authors found that the accounting system can be regarded as a registration-information field generating flows of financial information which comprise information logistics. Thus, under the flow of financial information, according to the authors, it refers to the flow of information about accounting objects from the initial accounting position (balance account) to reflect them in the accounting (financial) statements. The research methodology is based on the dialectical method and involves the study of economic relations and phenomena in terms of their development and system relations and methods of comparative analysis, economic and mathematical research of data, methods of synthesis, graphical modeling, methodology of the theory of statistics and mathematics. The novelty of the study is caused by the fact that financial information flows can be classified as filled and empty which allows to identify them with regard to the completeness and reliability of the resulting information. It is also proved that the information and accounting field of the accounting system is structurally possible to present three levels. At the same time between the levels, there are objective connections (flows of information) providing the content of information at higher levels. 


register, document, information, flow, logistics, system, accounting, accounting (financial) statements, users, traffic

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