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Philosophy and Culture

Tolstykh I.N., Metlyaeva T.V. Ritual dance in the context of China’s religious and cultural traditions

Abstract: This article attempts to examine the impact of the religious and cultural traditions of China upon the development of ritual dance, which is popular not only among the Chinese population, but also Russian-speaking diaspora of China and residents of the bordering Russian regions. The dance remains to be in epicenter of China’s cultural life, connecting its modernity with the deep antiquity. Due to the fact that religion and cultural traditions are the foundation for understanding the general philosophy and regularities of development of the entire Chinese culture, the object of this research is the impact of the religious and cultural traditions upon the development of ritual dance in China. During the course of this research the authors set the following tasks: determine the specific features and peculiarities of the dance in various religious traditions of China; examine the dialectics of the dance culture; detect the typical features and peculiarities of the ritual-cult and functional dance; as well as analyze the usual and unusual of the ritual dance in the context of China’s religious and cultural traditions. The conclusion is made that the constant fusion and borrowing does not allow clearly demarcate, which of the dance phenomena belongs to one or another ethnic group. The authors also note that none of the religious directions that replaced each other in China, did not scratch the dance out of system of interaction between human and religion. Originated in Shamanism symbols and ritual action along with the mythological component of the religious life of society, established in Taoism and Buddhism, were harmoniously intertwined into the dance culture of the Chinese people. While the ethnical views of Confucianism that became the foundation of the government system, are the basic platform of dance art of Chine in general.   


Buddhism, Shamanism, Custom, Ritual, Dance, Tradition, Views, Religion, People, Chinese culture

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