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Philosophy and Culture

Toporina E.A., Ter-Gukasova T.A., Khominskaya V.M. Modern interpretation of classical art: the crisis of understanding?

Abstract: The subject of this research is the modern interpretation of classical art. The authors refer to the issues of understanding of the classical art, adequacy of conveying its meanings, experiencing the art and communication with it, value aspect of art works, as well as question of tradition and innovations in modern perception of the classical art. These problems are reveals through the reference to the practice of modern art – multiple movie and theatrical production of the classicism. The authors attempt to answer the question what is the modern interpretation of art, by analyzing the position of the classics in modern art and basing themselves on the works of philosophers, aestheticians, critics, literary scholars, and members of art community. Based on the analysis of “life” of the classicism in modern cultural-aesthetical field, the authors demonstrate the crisis of its understanding, rather than the attentive perusal realized by the contemporary means. Today, any re-interpretation of the composition can find (and finds) its justification and explanation. It is associated not only with the factors that should be viewed through the prism of development of the art, innovations, search of the new forms, but also more extensively – as a sustainable trend of confrontation of “non-classicism” with the traditional classical art. Such confrontation to a considerable degree causes the “crisis of understanding” of the classical artistic legacy and its interpretation in the modern art.


Value, Artistic legacy, Tradition, Dialogue, Theatre, Cinematography, Distortion, Understanding, Modern interpretation, Classical literature

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