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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich P.S. Phenomenology of religion as world relations

Abstract: The traditional to the sector of Professor V. K. Shokhin edition of almanac “Philosophy of Religion” (2014-2015 / edited by V. K. Shokhin. M.: Nauka – Vostochnaya Literatura, 2015. 590 p.) can be considered as precious heritage for the multidiscipline experts. It can be useful for the professionals in the area of philosophy, theology, religious studies, as well as wide audience of readers interested in philosophical-religious topic. Multiple foreign and Russian specialists were attracted to this work. The author uses the principle of historicism, which allows analyzing the spiritual experience of different eras, establish dialogues between the most remarkable representatives of the philosophy of religion. Almanac gives an idea about the status of large-scale research work in the area of philosophical knowledge. The chapter of almanac, which reveals the correlation between philosophy and mystical experience with consideration of the modern approaches and historical contexts, contains undoubtedly scientific novelty. This chapter is the arsenal of the in-depth ideas and revelations associated with mysticism. The publication presents polemics on the issues of historical orientation, as well as debatable topics of the modernity. The chapter dedicated to the translations of classical works can be truly considered priceless.


Meditation, Contemplation, God, Faith, Esotericism, Mysticism, Spiritual experience, Theology, Philosophy of religion, Religion

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