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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kulagina N.V. Career Counseling Elective Courses as an Efficient Means of the Development of High School Students' Professional Identity

Abstract: In her article Kulagina brings forward the problem of high school students' professional identity. The author provides a review of modern researches emphasizing the importance of the problem being raised. Based on the literary analysis, the author concludes that there are still a lot of gaps in this sphere, one of them is the insufficient number of approved teaching and learning aids that could be used in the process of teaching. The author's contribution to the aforesaid problem is her own career counseilng high school elective course that proved to be efficient. The methodological basis of the research involves researches and books written by E. Zeer, E. Klimov, and G. Rezapkina. Researches conducted by N. Pryazhnikov, and E. Klimov have also had a significant effect on the development of the educational program. The idea and contents of the eductional program are based on guidances offered by O. Makhaeva, E. Grigorieva, N. Afanasieva, S. Chistyakova and I. Umovaskaya. The author's contribution and novelty of the research is that the author has developed on her own the entire subject content of the program taking into account the declared educational target and has also included new knowledge (and new experience) that have never been mentioned by basic disciplines before. Testing the results of the program, the author has also discovered that the educational program increases the level of communicative, social and information competences of high school students which is quite important for today's young people. 


elective course, high school students, career counseling, professional identity, major, choice of profession, career counseling courses, interactive training methods, interiorization, gender stereotypes

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