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International relations

Pavlov P.V., Firsova M.V. The prospects of creation of agro-industrial special economic zones in Russia

Abstract: The research object is Russia’s value of international trade in the agro-industrial sector. The research subject is the mechanisms of optimization of trade turnover in the context of the modern trade relations, including the creation of the new type of special economic zones. The authors consider the modern tendencies of the turnover decrease in particular groups of goods, connected with sanctions. Special attention is given to the study of the existing instruments of Russia’s foreign trade activation – special economic zones. The authors analyze their activities and prognosticate their development prospects. The research methodology includes the methods of system and statistical analysis and the method of economic planning and prognostication. The authors conclude that the current problems of Russian agricultural producers can be solved with the help of special economic zones. The authors explain the reasonability of creation of agro-industrial special economic zones on the federal level in order to use them for the expansion of the volume of food commodities and raw materials production and the agro-industrial sector strengthening. 


agro-industrial sector, economic transparency, import substitution, resident, positive effect, modernisation of the economy, special economic zones, sanctions, agricultural goods, foreign trade

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