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History magazine - researches

Pokrovskaya L.V., Tyanina E.A. Amulets from the Nikitin Excavation in Novgorod (Systematization, Chronology and Topography)

Abstract: The Nikitinsky excavation located on the territory of the Plotnitskiy district of late-Medieval Novgorod, like other Novgorod excavations, has unearthed among many different archaeological finds amulets made from nonferrous metals, stone and bones. In studying the spiritual culture of the inhabitants of Novgorod during the Middle ages through archaeological data, it is important not only to identify the groups of religious objects, but also to relatively precisely date and topographically analyse the collected material. This analysis should be conducted on the example of individual estates and estate complexes that have a developed planography, stratigraphy and chronology of tiers. The systematisation, dating clarification and linking to estates and edifices have allowed to reveal the chronological patterns and specific particularities of these objects’ distribution during different periods of time. The comprehensive study of amulets found in the Nikitinsky excavation has confirmed the general tendencies of their dissemination in Novgorod. Various amulets, personal talismans and household talismans were persistently used by the Medieval inhabitants of Novgorod during the course of centuries. The continuity of this tradition attests to the awareness of objects’ use and deep ideological background.


Novgorod archaeological studies, Plotnitskiy district, Nikitinsky excavation, estates, cult objects, amulets, talismans, systematisation, chronology, topography

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