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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Zaytsev A.V. The dialogue between the state and the civil society in public policy of modern Russia: between conflict and cooperation

Abstract: The subject of this research is the multitude of dialogue formats of dialogue interactions between the state and the civil society that span across the communication and dialogue area of public policy, from confrontational dialogue all the way towards cooperation, agreement, partnership, constructive discussion. In-between conflict and cooperation, there is a multitude of types (clusters) of dialogue, the understanding of which has high praxiological value. The approach studied in this work plays an important role in communication strategies of interaction between the state and the civil society concerning political conflict resolution. For the methodological basis, the author chose cluster differentiation and the typology of dialogue interaction between the state and the civil society in public politics. The scientific novelty of this approach to the dialogue between society and the state is that the author, for the first time in political science, attempts to view different variants (types, clusters) of their interaction. The dialogue between the state and the civil society is examined from the point of view of differentiation and potential transition between cluster types. This approach allows to manage political interactions, lowering the degree of conflictness and allowing to reach constructive interaction, cooperation and partnership.  


dialogue, cluster approach, communication, integration, conflict, deliberation, negotiation, cooperation, civil society, state

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