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Philosophy and Culture

Vdovina I.S. P. Ricœur. Introduction: Antinomicity of human reality and the problem of philosophical anthropology (translated from French by I. S. Vdovina)

Abstract: In the center of Paul Ricœur’s article are problems of philosophical anthropology, studied through the prism of antinomicity of human existence. The inner antinomies of a human, in the thinker’s opinion, are the most specific and demonstrative: voluntary and involuntary, action and trial of impact, autonomy and vulnerability, ability and fragility. Paul Ricœur attempt to examine them dialectically, focusing attention on the two-sidedness of human desire, which is rooted in human love for himself, and simultaneously, open to the limitless horizon. In this regard, the philosopher refers to the notions of character and happiness, which testify to the disproportionality of human in practice: character is the individual way of action that is realizes by a human because of his freedom; happiness is the final point, towards which human aims his motivation. Ricœur is a bright representative of the reflexive philosophy that is based on the ideas of phenomenology and hermeneutics, and at the same time, uses in its research the resources of the sciences about human: ethnology, history, economics, sociology, linguistics, etc. In his teaching, the French thinker raises a question about human, his specificity, and wholeness. He examines human reality taking the path from the myth, philosophical formulations of Plato, Pascal, Kierkegaard to Kant, and then modernity. Although Ricœu considered realization of the project of philosophical anthropology the “project of a lifetime”, but rarely used this term.


Culture, History, Action, I-self, Spiritual, Vital, Reason, Sensibility, Human, Philosophical anthropology

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