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Administrative and municipal law

Kalyuzhnyy Yu.N. Theoretical and legal approaches to the definition of the principles of road traffic safety protection in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The research subject is the legal regulations and scientific resources, characterizing the principles of road traffic safety protection. The research object is legal relations, emerging in the process of application of legal provisions, regulating road traffic safety protection. Based on the analysis of statutory instruments and scientific literature, the author summarizes the content of the principles, characterizing the essence of public management of road traffic safety protection, by means of the analysis of general legal principles, principles of administrative law and institutional principles of road traffic safety protection. The author gives attention to the existence of the system of such principles. The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and special research methods (formal-legal, analytical, system methods, analysis, synthesis, modeling, comparison, etc.). The author concludes that the road safety protection principles, contained in the Federal Law “On road traffic safety”, are the sustainable and fundamental elements of law, helping, on the one hand, systematize the law, and on the other hand, define the specificity of the legal system, formed in the sphere of road safety protection, its difference from other modern legal systems, thus allowing considering these principles as the institutional ones. The author comes to the conclusion about the dialectical interrelation of institutional principles of road traffic safety protection and the general principles of law. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the comprehensive analysis of theoretical and legal aspects of fundamental ideas of road traffic safety protection. 


public management, systematization of principles, public policy, administrative law, theory of law, principles, safety protection, road traffic safety, road traffic, legal relations

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