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National Security

Chernyad'eva N.A. Peculiarities of US position on the fight against terrorism in NATO and relationship with the EU

Abstract: The article explores the place of the United States in NATO and the contractual cooperation with the European Union on combating terrorism. The author pays special attention to the peculiarities of the American legal understanding of the phenomenon of terrorism, which cause specificity conduct counter-terrorism within the framework of NATO and the complexity of the relationship between the EU and the United States on international security issues. This study is based on the use of structural-functional approach, which allows setting the general and special in approaches towards the formation of the US, EU, and NATO counter-terrorism policies. The following conclusions were made: the author underlines tha there is a trend of presentation of the phenomenon of terrorism in both, NATO and US legal system, which requires military action. It is noted that NATO, as a military alliance, is not adjusted to the professional legal counteraction and investigation of terrorist crimes. In this regard, the author concludes that the appropriate participation of this organization in the sphere of anti-terrorism appears only as a local entity in relieving of the acute political crisis. The European Union, unlike the United States, demonstrates the opinion that terrorism is rather the phenomenon of criminal-legal norms than the question of the political struggle at the state level. The significant conceptual differences are determined between the EU and the US regarding counter-terrorism actions.


Terror threat, International anti-terrorism legislation, International humanitarian law, Political violence, International crime, European Union, NATO, United States, Terrorism, International security

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