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Trends and management

Glisin A.F. Trends in the development of science capacity in Russia

Abstract: Based on the analysis of statistical data, the author assesses the status, performance and dynamics of the main indicators of the potential of Russian science in the period, carried out in recent years in order to reform it. The feasibility of this analysis stems from the fact that science at the present stage is transformed into the main driving force of socioeconomic development of any country. In this regard, it is important to not only have a scientifically based theory of controlling this process, but also systematically analyze the actual state of the construction of scientific-innovative economy in order to develop and adopt the necessary measures for its improvement and efficiency. The necessary scientific base - innovation represents the potential of science. The study analyzes the actual state and trends in development of science capacity throughout the period 2005-2015, as well as its impact on the productivity of scientific innovation. The author formulated relevant assessments and suggestions.


the effectiveness of research, costs of research, logistical capacity of science, human resources potential of science, research organizations, public sector, applied research, basic science, scientific activity, capacity of science

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