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Rostovtseva M.V., Pomazan V.A., Mashanov A.A. Axiological Issues of Migrant's Sociocultural Adaptation

Abstract: The subject of the research is the problem of sociocultural integration and adaptation of migrants. It is noted that there is a variety of factors hindering successful adaptation of migrants and their actualization in a new cultural environment, however, one of these factors is the difficulty with interiorization of new values, standards and requirements. Axiological problems of migrants' sociocultural adaptation come to prominence as the problem of developing core values that determine the vector of individual's social activity and relate to the concept of what 'must be right' in different spheres of social life. The research methodology includes analysis and summary of scientific sources on the research matter, statistical analysis of data, and comparison method. The authors offer their own definition of sociocultural adaptation as the relationship between human and social environment aimed at solving contradictions arising between them. The authors conducted an analysis of existing axiological concepts and analyzed the structure and stages of the development of migrant's core values. It is shown that sociocultural activity creates values and attitudes that are based on differences in distribution and availability of nonmaterial and value-based benefits, levels of their consumption, nature and contents of cultural activity, and extent of activity of a subject with reference to his or her sociocultural interaction. The authors also provide a definition of tolerance.


adaptation, sociocultural adaptation, values, interiorization, acculturation, tolerance, culture, standards, integration, migrants

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