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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich P.S. Can ideology be eliminated?

Abstract: This article analyzes whether or not ideology can be eliminated, as well as the factors that affect it. The criticism of ideology as the “false consciousness” has deep roots. This type of consciousness is characterized as a manipulatory, selfishly implemented by ruling circles into masses. Multiple social thinkers appeal to debunk the ideology, as well as eliminate it from the social practice. At the same time, we can more and more often come across the opinion that such phenomenon cannot be overcome and cut to a minimum. Ideology performs certain functions in society. As demonstrated by the historical experience, a clear cognitive analysis does not change anything in its fate. The author is first in the Russian literature to give the descriptions and analysis of the social functions of ideology. It is noted that the interpretation of the functions of ideology naturally depends on the general interpretation of ideology as a social phenomenon. Due to the fact that in the modern sociology and psychology the understanding of ideology as social life for the most part does not exceed the simple contraposition of the ideological approach to scientific, or what happens even more rare – the value approach, the objective regulations of functioning of ideology on various stages of social development often escape the researchers.


Utopia, Intelligentsia, Destructiveness, Values, Ideas, Deideologization, Social life, Social functions, Ideology, Philosophy

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