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International relations

Kolomeytseva N.A. Sanctions confrontation between Russia and the West: economic consequences and the activization of the Asia-Pacific vector of Russia’s policy

Abstract: The research object is economic pressure in the form of sanctions, which has recently become one of the main instruments of geopolitical rivals used for upholding their interests on the international scene. The author notes that, due to its limited impact, the policy of sanctions is the illustration of the crisis of the international relations system. The article analyzes economic consequences of sanctions used by the Western countries and Russia against each other. The author emphasizes that the peak of crisis in most economic indexes has been overcome by now. The author applies the methods of statistical analysis, system generalization and comparison. Using these methods, the author forecasts the further development of political and economic trends in Russia. In the author’s opinion, the further economic development of the state will be linked with the growth of economic and investment activity on the Russian Far East. The author concludes that the development of economic relations with the countries and investors of Asia-Pacific region is, on the one hand, a result of economic pressure of the Western countries, and on the other, a crucial step for Russia in economic decline overcoming. 


hydrocarbons market, Crimean referendum, Ukrainian crisis, national interests, Asia-Pacific region, development of the Far East, international relations system, international relations crisis, economic crisis, sanctions

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