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Administrative and municipal law

Trunina E.V. The issues of legality and justness of a customs bodies service contract dissolution

Abstract: The research subject is legal regulation of the procedure of conclusion of a contract on service in customs bodies and the judicial practice of consideration of official disputes connected with the termination of a labor contract. The main attention is paid to the problems of renewal (non-renewal) of a service contract. The paper analyzes the circumstances, demonstrating the broad limits of administrative discretion of the heads of customs bodies in the renewal of service contracts, which, in the author’s opinion, lead to the intensification of a subjective factor in official relations and to the unjust and uncontrolled dismissals. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods (dialectics, analysis and synthesis) and specific ones (formal-legal, system-structural and comparative-legal). The author argues that the contract basis of service in customs bodies shouldn’t allow for an unrestricted approach to the conditions of contracts conclusion and the absence of clear and precise requirements to the conditions of their conclusion. The author states the absence of a positive judicial practice of consideration of disputes over the appeal from the dismissal of customs bodies officers upon the service contract termination, therefore, in the author’s opinion, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the regulation of contracts renewal. The author supposes that dismissal affects female officers, whose contracts are not renewed after their maternity leave, most of all. The author declares the necessity to regulate the procedure of conclusion of a service contract and develops the proposals about the establishment of a procedure of contract conclusion and dismissal, aimed at the prevention of turnover of the professional personnel in customs bodies of the Russian Federation. 


term, contract, employee, head of a customs body, public service, customs body, court, authority, dismissal, post

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