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Philosophy and Culture

Fetisova E.E. Semantic poetry as the ontological core of neo-Acmeism and philosophical –cultural paradigm of the XX and XXI centuries

Abstract: This article is determined to give a universal definition of “semantic poetry” as a philosophical-cultural phenomenon of the XX century and as a “cumulative center” of neo-Acmeist paradigm, trace its conceptually oriented towards the Antiquity origin, dialogues of Socrates and Plato, peculiarities of the chronotope, creative evolution and boundaries, which in turn means classification of methodology and principles of its artistic-historical reconstruction. Thus, this research is an attempt to build a philosophical-cultural paradigm of neo-Acmeism, as well as certain universal methodology of hermeneutic analysis of poetry (W. Dilthey)in the context of synergetic coexistence of philosophy and philology (literary science). The author makes the appropriate conclusion that in “semantic poetry” of neo-Acmeism there are certain stable ontological constants (individualism, anthropocentrism, rebirth of cultural archetypes and mythologems of the past, universalism of poetic innovations, etc.), in other words, an inner mental “code” which considers individuality of the each separate poet-creator, but at the same time does not allow the philosophical-cultural paradigm to diffuse (Y. M. Lotman), but rather at times combine within its boundaries the completely different creators, giving the paradigm longevity and sustainability throughout the XX-XXI centuries. Such “code” becomes its value-conceptual constant, justifying the succession and uniqueness of its development as an integral research strategy, which allows reconstructing the philosophical-cultural paradigm of neo-Acmeism in the constantly updating historical context over and over.


Cultural code, Philosophy of life, Ontological concept, Sense-originating semantics, Metatext, Philosophical-cultural paradigm, Semantic poetry, Mythology, Phenomenology, Neo-Acmeism

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