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Philology: scientific researches

Man'kovskaya N.B. Joséphin Péladan's Mystical-Symbolic Arts Metaphysics

Abstract: The subject of the research is the arts metaphysics of Josephin Peladan as a remarkable representative of the mysticism branch of the French objective symbolism, in particular, its Neo-Platonist Christian movement. Special attention is paid to his polemics with Lev Tolstoy, his analysis of Dante's creative work, ancient and modern dramaturgy and theatre. In her research Mankovskaya also analyzes Peladan's ideas about the relationship between art and religion, artistic creativity, aesthetic contemplation and pleasure, ideals of beauty, tragic, comic, aesthetic ideals, artisticity, essence of an artistic image, symbolization in art and anagogic mission of art. Such a great variety of aspects covered by the present research created the need to apply a number of methodological approaches such as art analysis, philosophical aesthetic approach, comparative and interdisciplinary methods. The main conclusions of the research is that Peladan's three hypostases as a symbolist, neoclassicist and esoteric create a paradoxical but organic unity. His thoughts on the nature of esoterics, particular artistic types and genres have one thing in common which is the idea of beauty, absolute ideal, undying values, spiritual and artistic components of art. Special contribution made by the author to the analysis of the topic is that she uses only original materials in her research. Mankovskaya introduces aspects and works of French symbolism that have never been studied before. Josephin Peladan's arts metaphysics is studied for the first time in the Russian academic literature, too. 


articity, ideal, beauty, artist, theatre, literature, art, mysticism, symbolism, symbolyzation

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