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Oleynikov Yu.V. Psychological Constitution of Scientific Activity

Abstract: While scientists seem to have rather comfortable working conditions, mental anomalies have been observed in this social group. Creative activity is accompanied with solving complex psychological problems arising in the process of studying, scientific work, adoption of a certain worldview, scientific and ideological paradigms, perception of success, criticism and evalution of their scientific activity in general. According to the author of the article, determination and summarization of specific features of scientific activity and psychlogical problems faced by scientists at our age of fundamental transformation and dominating paradigm should encourage better understanding and solution of these problems. The methodological basis of the research is based on the analysis of transformations of Thomas Kuhn's scientific paradigms, direct observation of psychologicalfeatures of scientific activity demonstrated by creative teams as well as materials presented in other researches of psychologists, psychoanalysts, historians and observations made by researchers themselves. Heuristical feature of the research is defined by extreme importance and complexity of psychological problems arising in the process of scientific research considering drastic changes of the paradigm and reformation of science in Russia. Development of a new paradigm and reformation of scientific institutions are accompanied with complex psychological problems faced by all participants of the process. These problems include choosing and proving an alternative paradigm, adjusting to new authorities and administrative hierarchy in the academic community, denial and adoptin of the market model of science, compatibility of Soviet and post-Soviet generations of researchers who have different worldviews, ideological and moral attitudes. The author sees the way of oothing and overcoming the aforesaid psychological problems in recognition and being aware of obvious fundamental transformations in society, and development and adoption of a new paradigm that would adequately reflect the actual situation with the evolution of the socio-natural universum. 


intellect, creativity, courage, will, activity, paradigm, neurosis, character, science, psychology

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