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History magazine - researches

Tsyuy S. The Contribution of the Emigrant Intelligentsia in the Development of Science and Education during the 1920s-1940s

Abstract: The article’s research object is the formation and development of the Russian expatriate historical science in the 1920s—1940s in China, as well as the specifics of the Russian historians’ work in the Far-East. The author analyses in detail the various aspects of the contribution of the Russian emigrant scholars in China and their influence on Russian national history. The Russian emigrants fruitfully engaged in scientific research, Russian book publishing, artistic, social, cultural, academic and other types of activities in China. Particular attention is paid to the works of the Russian historians as it is through them that one can recreate the main historical epochs of Mongolia, Russia, China and other countries. Upon the examination of the scientific and socio-cultural activity of Russian emigrants-historians the author used several universally recognised methods that allow to analyse the variety of empirical information. Upon analysing the biographical data of Russian emigrants-historians the author applied the quantitative method. In order to arrive at exact and mutually verified results, the article used the comparative-historical method, which has allowed to synchronise the most important events in the development history of the Chinese historical science circle of Russian emigrants. The study’s main conclusion is the fact that Russian Russian emigrants greatly contributed to the study of history in China, and also that it is necessary to allocate attention to the study of their works as the scientific and research activity of scholar-emigrants continues to this day. The novelty of this research lies in its complex analysis of the contribution, scientific activity and contractual work experience of Russian emigrants-historians in China, thus filling the gaps in the study of the Chinese centre of the Russian emigrant historical study that formed in the Far East in the 1920s—1940s.


émigré intelligentsia, educational activity, in China, emigrant adaptation, Harbin, department of judicial studies, Russian history, culture, historical contribution, Russian historians-emigrants

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