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Police activity

Deryugin R.A. Certain aspects of the tactics of acquisition of information about the connections between subscribers and (or) subscriber devices

Abstract: The research subject is the range of tactical and criminalistic issues of investigating action provided by the article 186.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Acquisition of information about the connections between subscribers and (or) subscriber devices”. The author considers the tactics and the legal nature of acquisition of information about the connections between subscribers and (or) subscriber devices. Besides, the paper studies certain aspects of interaction of the parties of criminal procedure (prosecutor, court and investigator) and other subjects of criminal procedure. The author applies the set of general and special scientific methods including the normative-legal method, the system method, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction and others. The scientific novelty of the study is conditioned by the fact that acquisition of information about the connections between subscribers and (or) subscriber devices has been included in the criminal code not long ago, therefore, at present there is no common opinion about the tactics of its implementation. Besides, some problems of its legal nature haven’t been solved yet, leading to difficulties in its application. 


communications provider, technical means, investigating action, technical recommendations, investigator, mobile communications, information about connections, detailing, subscriber device, subscriber

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