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Administrative and municipal law

Kulakov N.A. Harmonization of civil legislation and administrative liability legislation in the sphere of copyright and related rights protection

Abstract: The paper is devoted to the study of the problems of administrative liability in the sphere of copyright and related rights protection, whose legal grounds are characterized by a certain internal inconsistence and need correction. The research subject is the set of general statutory instruments regulating the issues of copyright and related rights protection in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the research is the comparative-legal analysis of the provision of civil and administrative legislation in the mentioned sphere, and the development of the proposals about harmonization of the mentioned provisions. The research methodology is based on the dialectical method of scientific cognition, the formal-logical, comparative-legal, system and functional and other specific research methods. The author concludes that the provision about administrative liability in the sphere of copyright and related rights protection needs harmonization with civil legislation. The author formulates the proposals about introducing changes in administrative liability legislation which, in the author’s opinion, will promote improvement of the effectiveness of copyright and related rights administrative protection. 


sound record, copies of works, information, related rights, copyright, exclusive rights, intellectual property rights, intellectual property, administrative liability, administrative coercion

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