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Administrative and municipal law

Safonenkov P.N. Burning problems of ensuring the proceedings on cases of customs violation

Abstract: The research subject includes the legal provisions regulating the application of procedural measures by customs authorities, ensuring the proceedings on cases of customs violation and the work of customs authorities. The research object includes legal relationship emerging in the process of administrative coercion measures application by customs authorities. The author pays attention to the burning problems of administrative coercion measures application by customs authorities in the proceedings on cases of customs violation and offers the ways to solve them. The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and specific methods of cognition (formal-legal, analytical, normative-logic, etc.). The author outlines one of the topical problems of application of measures of the proceedings on administrative cases ensuring, restricting property and non-property rights and freedoms of persons and legal entities, applied by customs authorities – the application of such measures hasn’t been under registration yet. The author suggests introducing such a registration into the practice of customs authorities and providing the control over administrative measures application. 


bringing to court, arrest, attachment, detention, conveyance, customs violation, measures of ensuring, inspection, examination, problems

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