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International relations

Linke P. Recent changes in Germany’s Policy in the Middle East

Abstract: This article focuses on the recent changes in the current Middle East policy of the Federal Republic of Germany. The purpose of this study is to identify and formulate the main trends of the evolution of German foreign policy in the Middle East. The object of the study is the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Middle East and North Africa. The subject of this study includes the main trends and patterns of the evolution of the Middle East policy of the Federal Republic of Germany at the present stage of development of the system of international relations and the world politics.The methodological basis of the research is the system, structural and functional and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The author draws attention to the high level of political dynamics in the relations of the Federal Republic of Germany with the leading countries of the Middle East region, which allows us to conclude about the transformation of the paradigm of Germany's foreign policy in this region. Particular attention is paid to Germany's foreign policy relations with Iraq and Iran in a wide range of spheres and the role of Germany in resolving the Iranian crisis (related to the Iran nuclear deal) and Germany's participation in the coalition against international terrorism. The paper also draws certain historical parallels.


color revolutions, security, state, interests, diplomacy, international relations, global instability, world politics, global information space, political system

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