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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Flerov O.V. Existential and Psychological Factors of Adult's Personal Growth In Terms of Institutional Continuing Education

Abstract: The object of the present research article is the continuing education of adults as the environment and essential condition for their personal growth.  The subject of the research is the internal factors of personality development in this particular environment. The author of the article appeals to philosophical and psychological ideas of philosophers and researchers trying to find the sources of motivation of human for receiving education throughout the life disregarding technological progress and socio-economic issues. Special attention is paid to the links between all these ideas and their relation to pedagogy in which the topic of educational paths is the most popular today. The research method used by the author of the article is the integrated philosophical-psychological-pedagogical analysis as well as differentiation of factors and search for their interconnections based on the analysis of scientific researches and pedagogical practice. The author concludes that the ideas of philosophers, psychologists-humanists, acmeologists and ontopsychologists regarding human life path, his free will and self-realization comprise the integrated approach or methodology for better understanding the concept of continuing education of adults and further vocational training as part of continuing education. These factors cannot be fully opposed to external factors because profession is a socio-economic phenomenon and thus professional success depends on objective social conditions. However, this approach to continuing education allows to take a fresh look at the motives of receiving life-long education in the epoch of uncertainty, to get a better understanding of these motives which, in its turn, may provide material for further interdisciplinary researches of educational systems. 


adults education, educational route, freedom of choice, socialization, professional identity, humanistic psychology, existentialism, recurrent education, educational space, personal growth

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