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Philosophy and Culture
Fetisova E.E.
Mythological hermeneutics of Neoacmeism. Nietzschean eschatology
// Philosophy and Culture.
2016. ¹ 5.
P. 738-752.
Fetisova E.E. Mythological hermeneutics of Neoacmeism. Nietzschean eschatologyAbstract: This article is dedicated to the examination of mythopoeia of Neoacmeism within the framework of its philosophical and creative platform. Mythology is being viewed as the ontological core of “semantic poetics” of the Renaissance Acmeism, which reconstructs the original philosophy of the adherers of Acmeism and Neoacmeism, oriented at existentialism of N. Berdyaev, dialogism of S. L. Frank, and representatives of the “philosophy of life” (F. Nietzsche, W. Dilthey, G. Simmel, H. Bergson), gnoseological, anthropological, and historiosophical ideas of V. Solovyov. The author gives definition of Neoacmeism as a philosophical-cultural phenomenon of the XX century and an integral paradigm in the context of its mythology and mythopoeia; as well as follows its genesis, historically oriented on Antiquity, dialogues of Socrates and Plato, creative evolution and boundaries, “synchronic-reminiscent chronotope, which in turn supposes the detailed analysis of the poetic texts of Acmeism and Neoacmeism by the virtue of philosophical hermeneutics. This article is an attempt to build a philosophical-cultural paradigm of Neoacmeism, as well as a certain universal methodology of hermeneutic analysis of poetry in the context of synergetic co-existence of philosophy and philology (literary studies) within the space of the unified ontological discourse. The fundamentally open nature of the worldview ideas of Neoacmeism significantly complicates the task of the integral reconstruction of the creative heritage and mythology of its adherers. The author concludes that in Acmeistic works there is an integral philosophical system which could be compared by its importance with the concepts of the great creators of philosophy. Such system, the core of which consists in the specific author’s mythology, becomes a value-conceptual constant of Neoacmeism, justifying the successiveness and uniqueness of its development as an integral research strategy, which again and again allows reconstructing Neoacmeism as a philosophical-cultural paradigm within the constantly changing historical context. Keywords: Myth of Modern Times, “Antimyth”, “Myth of Akhmatova”, Cultural paradigm, “Semantic poetics”, Philosophical hermeneutics, Anthropocentrism, Ontological concept, Mythology, Neoacmeism
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