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Philosophy and Culture

Chep'yuk O.R. Sociocultural phenomena in the conditions of economic self-organization

Abstract: The subject of research is a critical concept of "alienation", which was popular in social philosophy. In the rame of the Hegelian tradition it was regarded as a part of the dialectical mechanism that should facilitate the transition to a new organization of society. In XX century the concept of "alienation" has evolved, going beyond political economy and purchasing a humanistic interpretation. The author proposesto re-consider the phenomenon of "alienation", which acquired the immaterial, subjectivist elements. It allows to speak of it as a symbol of the relationship, and not as a real mechanism. The study observed a balance between the traditional dialectics and methods of modern science of self-organization. The author embarks to the concept of "entropy of social processes", illustrates the scientific narrattion by various statistical examples. The novelty of the study consists in examination of the question of "alienation" in the context of science on self-organization. Then it can be interpreted as a deviation to the very critical state, in which the behavior of the economic system becomes unstable and under the influence of some random factors can radically change. In this sense, the dialectic prediction about the impact of "alienation" in the course of social history can not come true, if the system transforms into a state of chaos, and "alienation" itself will not become a mechanism, but only a symbol of a particular stage of historical development of the society.


self-organization, labor, social indifference, economic crisis, social philosophy, entropy, alienation, synergetics, creative economy, quality

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