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National Security

Al'perovich V.D. Representations about an Enemy of persons with different self-efficacy and self-relation

Abstract: Abstract: Problem of influence of the self-relation on personal representations of Other as Enemy is touched by us in this article. Research goal was the comparative analysis of psychosocial characteristics of the representations about an Enemy of persons with different characteristics of the self-relation and of the self-efficacy. Psychosocial characteristics of the personal representations about an Enemy, the personal self-relation parameters (intensity of the self-esteem, of the self-sympathy, of the waiting of the Others' positive relation, of the self-interest) and levels of the self-efficacy were the research subject. We applied qualitative and quantitative methods: tests, categorical analysis of representations, statistics (frequencies, cluster analysis, nonparametric test). The results of the study prove that: respondents, perceiving the Enemy as aggressor, manipulator, demonstrate the low levels of the self-efficacy, of the self-interest, of the self-sympathy, of the self-esteem, of the waiting of the Others'relation; respondents, perceiving the Enemy as the subject with alien cognitions and values, demonstrate the upper levels of the self-efficacy, of the self-interest, of the self-sympathy, of the self-esteem, of the waiting of the Others' positive relation. Data supported the hypothesis about the distinctions of personal representations of Enemy depending upon characteristics of the self-relation and of the self-efficacy. The results can be applied to the psychosocial consultation, to the programs of the tolerance’ trainings in the antiterrorist activity.


self-efficacy, self-interest, relations system, self-sympathy, self-esteem, self-relation, Enemy, representations, Other, representations about an Enemy

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