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National Security

Konvisarova E.V., Uksumenko A.A.  
The problems of road network   funding in the context of Russia’s national security

Abstract:   The subject of this research is the mechanism of road network   funding and the instruments of state regulation from the position of targeted and effective use of budget and business funds in the context of national security of the Russian Federation. The goal of this work consists in generalization of foundations and formulization of suggestions on solution of funding of the road network   under the changing economic and geopolitical circumstances. The authors determine the current state of the road network   funding within the established socioeconomic conditions, as well as formulate the possible solutions of development of the transportation infrastructure for the purpose of realization of the innovative model of economic growth of the Russian Federation. The particular recommendations on improvement of the road network   funding are being proposed. During the course of this research the authors detected the main problems of road network  : the global underfunding; absence of the contemporary normative base, systemic process of modernization, and implementation of new technologies and innovations; deficit of qualified personnel; extremely high-cost construction and maintenance of roads. The evolution of ideas with regards to road network   funding is being presented in the historical aspects, as well on the example of the foreign experience; their advantages and disadvantages are being considered. The authors substantiate the use of the concept of targeted principle of road network   funding through the system of specialized targeted transportation funds: targeted federal transportation fund, targeted regional and municipal transportation funds. The attraction of private investments based on the projects of state-private partnership is being recommended for the funding of new roadwork.  


Administrative legal regulation, Investments, State-private partnership, Transportation tax, Roadwork, Road system, Sources of funding, Funding, Road network system, Transportation strategy

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