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National Security

Grebenyuk A.A. Work migration into Russia in the context of national security

Abstract: Within the framework of this article the author makes an attempt to concentrate on the challenges formed by work migration into Russia in the sphere of ensuring national security. Attention is given to the in-depth processes which center around geopolitics and long-term prospects of economic development. This article examines the external challenges associated with the influence of migration upon the socioeconomic development and political situations of the countries that are donors of workforce for Russia. Among the internal challenges the author explores the influence of the inflow of cheap labor from abroad upon the sustainable economic development within the context of national security. The research presents new approaches towards the analysis of the effect of work migration on the national security of the recipient country (Russian Federation), as well as suggests recommendations on counteraction of the forming by work migration external and internal challenges to the sustainable development and national security of Russia, including measures in both, foreign and domestic policy.


workforce, human capital, migration, modernization, geopolitics, economy, national security, work migration, foreign workforce, sustainable development

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