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National Security
Shapkin M.N.
Russia-Kazakhstan relations in the context of rebirth projects of the Great Silk Road
// National Security.
2016. ¹ 2.
P. 245-252.
Shapkin M.N. Russia-Kazakhstan relations in the context of rebirth projects of the Great Silk RoadAbstract: This article conducts an analysis of the major infrastructure projects within the Eurasian space from the perspective of their influence upon the dynamics of the Russia-Kazakhstan relations, as well as the national interests of Russia and Kazakhstan. The author examines the cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan in the transportation-logistic field and their interaction with other actors within the framework of the regional infrastructure development programs. In addition to that, such initiatives are viewed in the context of their future collaboration or competition with the Eurasian integration project, which represents one of the most important dimensions in the Russia-Kazakhstan relations. The scientific novelty consists in the exposure of the urgently relevant topics – Russian-Kazakhstan relations; Eurasian integration; and regional infrastructure projects, which as a rule, are studied separately, as the elements of the unified regional system. The conducted research demonstrates the collaboration between Russia and Kazakhstan in the transportation-logistic sphere is of paramount significance: it represents one of the major directions of the Russia-Kazakhstan bilateral relations; one of the key factors of extension of the Eurasian integration; the necessary condition for ensuring national security and economic development of both countries; and lastly it is a one of the core elements of the continental transportation system and the intrinsic parts of projects of its development. Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, international transport corridor, transportation and logistics, infrastructure, Great Silk Road, Russia-Kazakhstan relations, cooperation, integration, connection, Silk Road Economic Belt
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