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National Security
Makarov A.V.
Relevant issues of the development of Mongolia-Russia cooperation in the context of Baikal basin transboundary water protection
// National Security.
2016. ¹ 2.
P. 236-244.
Makarov A.V. Relevant issues of the development of Mongolia-Russia cooperation in the context of Baikal basin transboundary water protectionAbstract: Due to the plans of Mongolian government on realization of a number of major resource and infrastructure projects, the problem of ensuring environmental security in the Lake Baikal basin gained special relevance for Russia. This article examines the economic development strategy of Mongolia in the medium term prospects, which is based on the development of mineral deposits, as well as the energy and transportation infrastructure. The review is given to the largest projects which figure in the official and departmental documents of the adjacent state. The energy policy of Mongolia and the prospects for development of hydroelectricity in the Selenga River basin are being analyzed. Within the framework of the strategic environmental assessment the author explores the consequences of the major economic projects on the Mongolian territory that can produce a significant transboundary effect on the environmental situation, health and safety of the population in the Russia’s part of Lake Baikal basin. The potential problems in the Russia-Mongolia relations in the field of the joint use and protection of the transboundary waters are being determined. The conclusion is made that reaching the balance in the environmental and economic interests of Russia and Mongolia is possible in the context of mutually beneficial collaborations in the energy sector. Keywords: world natural heritage, environmental safety, benefit-sharing, energy, the lake Baikal protection, transboundary waters, international cooperation, strategic environmental assessment, Russia-Mongolia relations, Selenga River
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