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National Security
Kamalova G.G.
Comparative characteristics of legal regulation of the state classified information and the official secret
// National Security.
2016. ¹ 2.
P. 212-220.
Kamalova G.G. Comparative characteristics of legal regulation of the state classified information and the official secretAbstract: This article explores the general and distinctive features of the legal regulation of the state classified information and the official secret. The goal of the comparative analysis is the differentiation of their legal regulation based on the specificity of the regime elements. The author thoroughly analyzes the legal regulation of the state classified information and the official secret with regards to their targeted designation, object of regulation and its actors, as well as mechanism of security control. Special attention is given to the differenced on the reviewed special legal regulations of information. The conclusion is made that both, the state classified information and the official secret have the mutual historical roots, the importance in the area of state administration, public-legal methods of regulation of social relations pertaining to information security, etc. The specificity of such regulations is defined by the various goals of restricting the access, extent of damage in case of violation, content and composition of secret information. Keywords: Comparative characteristic, Comparative legal analysis, Official secret, State classified information, State secrets, Confidentiality, Restricted access information, Information security, Legal regulation of information, Information law
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