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National Security

Sazonova K.L. The question of international legal responsibility of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): theoretical conceptual aspects and key legal collisions based on the results of the realized operations

Abstract: This research is dedicated to the questions of setting the international legal responsibility for misuse of force, destruction of infrastructure, and victims among the civil population, which is the result of military operations realized by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The author analyzes the main legal difficulties that emerge due to the possibility of holding NATO internationally responsible. In addition to that, the author examines the questions of correlation between the peacemaking functions of NATO and UN with regards to the maintenance of international peace and security, which is especially relevant considering the active strive of the Alliance to take on the extensive competency in these field. The conclusion is made that the main operations conducted by NATO were accompanied by the major violations of the existing international law, which allows posing a question that such violations can qualify as the foundations for international responsibility. We can state that today the question of high importance consists in which judicial body could knowledgeably examine the case on setting the international legal responsibility of international organizations.


grounds for responsibility, United Nations, international law, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, military operations, international responsibility, international security, stategic concept, competence, military law

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