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National Security

Mitrofanov R.A. Fertilization of earth using organic fertilizers as a factor of environmental policy and food safety

Abstract: The analysis of the modern state and possible scenarios of development of agricultural production confirms the need for realization of measures pertaining to stabilization and restoration of farm lands, which increase the fertility of earth of agricultural designation and improve the general environmental situation. Such tasks as biologization and environmentalization of farming can be solved by means of using the technologies of manufacturing the active organic and organic mineral peat-based fertilizers, which are also called humic products. These technologies can significantly cut the cost for producing the biofertilizers. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the influence of the mineral and organic fertilizers on the agricultural productivity, as well as presents a brief description of the unique technology of manufacturing of the effective biofertilizer. Considering an existing opinion that the use of organic fertilizers cannot to the full extent compensate the lack of mineral nutrition especially in the long-term prospects, we can agree that the application of nitrogen fertilizers in small amounts does not produce a negative effect as other “major chemicals”. However, taking into account the current situation, there is not alternative for substituting the significant portion of mineral fertilizers with organic and organic mineral fertilizers.


electrohydraulic technology, no-till technology, organic fertilizers, the negative impact of mineral fertilizers, peat, lack of humus, improve soil fertility, national security, contamination of soils with heavy metal, greening agriculture

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