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Taxes and Taxation

Kinsburskaya V.A. Tax Risks of Bank Loyalty Programs

Abstract: The object of the study is the tax effects of bank loyalty programs (bonus programs) implemented by banks in order to improve the image and promote products through providing customers with additional proprietary benefits (discounts, bonus points, «cashback» and so on.) under pre-agreed terms and conditions, for example, at a fixed amount of debit transactions by credit card or by maintaining certain cash balance in the bank account. The author examines such topics as taxation on personal income property benefits transferred from the program owner to consumers and specific procedure for calculating the tax base for profits of bank as owners of loyalty programs. The researcher has analyzed the relevant arbitrage practice as well as written explanations of public authorities (Ministry of Finance of Russia and Federal Tax Service of Russia). The theoretical and practical significance of the study is caused by the fact that the author has summarized existing views on the income taxation of proprietary benefits (including «cashback») received by individuals - clients of the bank under the loyalty program as well as developed evaluation and accounting procedures for the purposes of imposing tax on bank profits under the loyalty program.  


profit tax, personal income tax, taxation, cashback, discounts, shares, bonuses, loyalty programs, retail business establishments, banks

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