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Philosophy and Culture

Bychkov V.V. Metaphysical spirit of surrealism: Joan Miró

Abstract: The subject of this research is the examination of the spirit of surrealism as an ontological characteristic of this direction in art. Under this notion the author means an expression of metaphysical essence of a particular art direction. On the example of the creative work of a well-known surrealist Joan Miró, an attempt is made to reveal the ontological characteristics of the spirit of surrealism. It is demonstrated that by using typical for the creative method oà Miróspecificities of art expression, which are based on paradoxical and aggressive-expressive transformations and metamorphoses of the objects of visual reality and stylization for children paintings, a famous surrealist creates in his works a special other being atmosphere. Scientific novelty consists in the following: the entire list of Joan Miró’s major works illustrates that they lead a recipient to submersion into dramatic or even tragic spaces of otherness that are filled with a spirit of catastrophism and apocalypticism, including his eschatological understanding, which is considered by the author as a spirit of surrealism.


Surrealism, Metaphysical painting, Contemporary art, Apocalypticism, Symbolism, Aesthetic experience, Artistry, Joan Miró, Giorgio De Chirico, Salvador Dali

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