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Philosophy and Culture

Belousova N.O. The issue of enslavement of men by “universal” within dystopian genre

Abstract: The object of this article is the problem of correlation between universal and individual on the example of dystopian novels emerged within the framework of cultural modernity. Special attention is given to the interpretation of the stated topic through the problem of controversy of the social progress, which is evident in almost all dystopias. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as rejection of identity and freedom, individuality and independence, in subordination to the sacral “Universal”. The main conclusions of the conducted research consist in the ideas that social happiness and welfare society within the reality of dystopia is achieved via deindividuation of identity, and devaluing it to atom, just a “bolt” in the mass social organism. The author demonstrates that the absence of social harmony, its tilt towards “universal” to the detriment of individual, originates in dystopias antagonism as a “revolt of an individual” leading to destruction in its various forms.  


Individualization, Anthropological catastrophe, Depersonification, Freedom, Dystopia, Individuality, Universality, Unification, Totality, Social harmony

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