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Philosophy and Culture

Prokhorov M.M. The ontology of being

Abstract: The subject of this research is the process of being. The article examines the four key problems. The first consists in the clarification of the philosophical concept and meaning of the “ontology of being”, its universal character, comparable to the fundamental philosophical category of being, as well as the concrete specificity of ontology in each sphere of being. In the second aspect the author reveals the ontology applied to all types of human-world relationship, and illustrates its various “projections”. Such connection is demonstrated in analyzing Hegel’s concept of ontology. The third aspect is detected in researching the content of the main categories that emerged in the history of philosophy: movement, development, activity, creativeness, and game. Each of them has its own content and volume. In this article the author suggests a generalized picture of the ontology of being, which is based on these categories. The fourth aspect is determined in the plane of being of actual human, his history, in which take place the current process of globalization, the establishment of the “global society”. Its central problem is a so-call problem of the “end of history”. The author believes that today the fundamental values of the dialectical-materialistic methodology are pushed back by the applied value of the knowledge that falls under the authority capital and officialdom, and becomes a commodity; scholars and thinkers turn into hired employees who produce this commodity; the values of fundamental science and philosophy are replaced by the growth number of whose who carry out a pragmatic-conjunctural orders.  Scientific novelty consists in the revelation of such characteristics of ontology that lie in the foundation of the main types of human-world relationship and are determined by the variety of this relationship.


Being, Ontology, Non-being, Movement, Development, Activity, Game, Globalization, “End of history”, Worldview

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