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Police activity

Khamidullin R.S. A plea deal as an objective of a tactical operation

Abstract: The research subject covers the patterns of the accused persons involvement in cooperation using a plea deal in the context of one of criminalistic categories – a tactical operation. A tactical operation is aimed not only at solving the tasks of identifying the circumstances serving as evidences in criminal cases of various categories, but also at reaching a compromise with the defense and involving the accused in cooperation using a plea deal. The research object comprises social relations appearing in the process of investigating and solving cases, including those appearing between the investigator and the accused and other persons involved in a tactical operation. The author applies the set of general scientific and specific methods of cognition including the normative-logical method, the system method, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, and other research methods. The novelty of the study lies in the attempt to solve the problems connected with the formation of the system of a complex tactical provision of investigator’s activity aimed at a more rational use of the provisions about a special procedure of a plea deal establishing during criminal investigations. The author analyzes the tactical operations doctrine and outlines the structure and the content of the considered tactical operation. 


interaction, tactics, planning, tactical and forensic provision, accused, investigator, plea deal, tactical operation, preliminary investigation, involving in cooperation

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