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Administrative and municipal law

Krasnenkova E.V., Chechurina A.V. On the issue of legal regulation of matrimonial relations in the Russian Federation

Abstract: The authors consider the problem of necessity to strengthen the institution of marriage and family. The authors analyze legal provisions related to the institution of divorcing, and define the measures which help to overcome negative tendencies in the sphere of marriage and family. The authors study the Russian legislation of different periods of its development concerning the institution of maternity and childhood protection and the institution of divorcing. In the authors’ opinion, it is necessary to apply the mediation procedure throughout Russia. The research methodology comprises the set of general and special scientific methods including system-structural, synthesis, analysis, technical, logical, and comparative-legal. For the purpose of maternity and childhood protection, the authors offer to prolong the term restricting the right of the spouse to make a demand for dissolution of marriage without the consent of another spouse; to increase the number of subjects and organizations involved in the mediation procedure (with or without mediators) in particular regions of the country. 


conciliation period, spouses, restriction of right, divorcing, childhood, mediator, mediation procedure, marriage, maternity, family

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