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Administrative and municipal law

Agamagomedova S.A. Internal control of the activities of customs bodies of the Russian Federation in the present context

Abstract: The research subject is internal control of the activities of customs bodies of the Russian Federation, its legal regulation, directions and time frame, and the comparative analysis of internal and customs control. The author pays attention to the correlation between customs and internal control as the forms of government control. The common element for the both forms of control is the subject of control represented by a customs body. At the same time, the objects of customs and internal control, their objectives and consequences are different. Moreover, the paper defines the notion of external control which should be applied together with the internal one. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the current customs legislation and the scientific literature in this field. The author applies historical and comparative-legal methods. The author formulates the provisions about the correlation between customs and internal control and the balance between them as a basis for ensuring legality in the work of customs bodies of the Russian Federation. The author outlines the common features and the peculiarities of customs and internal control and comes to the conclusion that the observance of rights of the participants of customs legal relations is possible given that the optimal balance between internal and external control of the activities of customs bodies is preserved. 


control time frame, customs legislation, legality, subjects of control, objects of control, government control, external control, customs bodies, customs control, internal control

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