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Administrative and municipal law

Alekseev D.B. Concept of state control development as a means of legality ensuring in public management

Abstract: The author considers the topical problems of the mechanism of state control activity improvement in modern Russia. The research object is state control as a means of legality ensuring in public management, its directions, forms and system. The author considers the problem of differentiation between control and supervision, and the scientific concept of the control branch of public authority. The purpose of the paper is to develop the main ideas of the concept of development of state control in the Russian Federation. The research methodology is based on general and special scientific research methods. The author applies the system analysis and the transition from abstract to concrete, the comparative-legal, technical, system-structural and other methods. The author develops an original concept of state control activity improvement in the Russian Federation, introduces the “information social and public control” concept into scientific use. In the author’s opinion, the main ideas of the concept of state control activity improvement on the recent stage of development should include: 1) the control branch of state power institutional isolating; 2) information society and information technologies involvement in the process if control activity; 3) adoption of a unified and officially recognized model (system) of state control activity; 4) adoption of special legislation formalizing the created system and eliminating the existing terminological inconsistencies; 5) personalization of the terminal control institutions, particularly by means of presidential control strengthening and creation of a service of government inspectors in the system of intersectorial control activity.  


state control system, control authority, supervision, control, public management, legality, administrative supervision, state supervision, state control, state control activity

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