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Administrative and municipal law

Voenkova N.P. Topical problems of regulatory and supervisory authorities unification

Abstract: The research subject is the range of legal and organizational problems of administrative and legal regulation of the work of regulatory and supervisory authorities. The paper considers the current situation of unification of federal and local executive authority bodies. The author considers the main reasons for unification of the two regulatory and supervisory agencies – the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Federal Tariffs Service, and the problems which can appear in practice in the process of their unification. The paper studies the problems which regional supervisory authorities can face when organizing routine inspection beginning from 2016 after the unification of particular executive authority bodies in the territorial subjects of the Russian Federation into a single state body. The research methodology comprises the recent achievements in epistemology. The author applies general scientific methods, including the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, observation, modeling, and comparison, which help to reveal the main development tendencies and patterns of the subject in question. The specific scientific methods, including the formal-logical, comparative-legal, and system-structural, help to reveal, describe, and reproduce the studied phenomena, and to compare them on order to reveal the similarities and differences. The author discusses the reasonability of transferring the responsibilities of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation in the sphere of legal regulation to the Ministry of Economic Development. The author concludes about the necessity to unify regulatory and supervisory authorities of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation using the example of the General Regulatory Office of Khabarovsk region. 


licensing supervision, normative and legal regulation, antimonopoly authority, antimonopoly regulation, public management, regional control (supervision), budget optimization, carrying out of inspections, organization of inspections, state control (supervision)

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