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Pedagogy and education

Lyashenko T.M. Communication Success as the Characteristic of the Communication Act

Abstract: The content of the concept of “communication success” is described in the article. Communication success is considered to be not as the characteristic of personality but as tge characteristic of activities and more exactly of the communicative act. This approach comes from the field methodological paradigm which describes the intrinsic feature of psychical processes in terms of their activity nature. That extends the sphere of knowledge about the features of communicatively successful behavior. The subject of the research is the communicative act. The object of the research is success as the characteristic of the communicative act. The author pays special attention to the activity nature of communication success. The research is based on Kurt Lewin's field theory as well as Alexey Leontiev's activity theory. For the first time in the academic literature communication success is viewed not as a personal trait but characteristic of the communicative field. The author comes to the conclusion that psychological content of the concept of “communication success” implies orientation at an interlocutor and achievement of communication targets including improving the quality of relations between communicants. The results of the research can be used by psychologists and teachers of psychology, especially, psychology of communication, conflictology and other disciplines. The author’s approach to the communicative act as an action taking place in the communicative field opens the possibilities for organizing more effective communication including communication in the process of education. 


interlecutor, communication targets, efficiency, speech act, speech, activity, communication, communicative field, communication success, communication act

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