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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Fel'dman P.Ya. Conceptual and methodological aspects of studying political interests

Abstract: This article examines theoretical and conceptual aspects of studying political interests. This issue lies in the interdisciplinary subject field of conflict studies and political science, and has a heightened importance because interests may be viewed as impulses that put in motion all institutes of a society's political system, giving a start to social cooperation, as well as inter-group confrontation. Attention is drawn to the genesis of the interest group theory, and some aspects of the social choice concept, through which the nature of political interest is studied. The author points out and applies chief methodological paradigms of studying political interests - including normative and value-based, behaviorist, institutional, systemic and other approaches. Comparative analysis of available means and methods of study of political interests allows the author to reveal optimal methodological techniques that propel the advancement of scientific knowledge on the subject. Among them are the institutional and systemic approaches that, according to the author, allow to establish the place of political interest in the system of institutes and relations that supplement the realization of power.


political conflict, political system, political process, social conflict, interest coordination, interest groups, political interests, social interests, collision of interests, theory of social choice

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